Speech Therapy
Speech Sounds
"I can understand what they're saying, but others cannot."
Does this sound familiar? If your child has difficulty being understood by unfamiliar (even familiar) listeners, it may be time to see which speech sounds they find challenging to produce.
Not all speech sounds develop at the same time. Here's a Typically Developing Speech Sound chart that shows what sounds to expect when. Our therapists can conduct an evaluation on your child to determine whether they would benefit from speech therapy to address speech sound production concerns.
If you are interested in an evaluation, fill out the intake form below and our team will reach out to you to schedule your child's initial evaluation.
Language Disorders
Expressive Language
Wondering if your child is using enough words? Or using them in them in an appropriate way? Is your child frustrated because they can understand language but have a difficult time communicating their own wants and needs?
If you child experiences frustration when trying to express their ideas to others, they may need a little help. Expressive communication comes in many ways: cooing, babbling, pointing, gesturing, grunting, single words, or a few words together, or even kicking and screaming. Let's figure out what your child is trying to say and help them do so in an appropriate way.
Receptive Language
Does your child have difficulty understanding directions (either written or spoken), can't show that they know what you're saying to them, or struggle to answer questions (who, what, where, when, why, how)?
Here's a link to typical language development in children ages 0-5 years old:
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Augmentative and Alternative Communication is also commonly called "AAC". AAC can greatly enhance the life of individuals who struggle to communicate through speaking or whose speaking abilities have not yet reached their full potential. AAC comes in many forms from 'low tech' (such as printed pictures and choice boards) to 'high tech' (such as speech-generating software on a tablet, also known as "speech-generating devices").
The staff at Columbia Pediatric Therapy can help your child improve their communication using AAC or determine if AAC would be beneficial for your child.
If your child uses augmentative and/or alternative communication now or you believe your child may benefit from AAC, please reach out to schedule an evaluation with us. Our team is also able to conduct an AAC evaluation to determine which device would be the best fit for your child.
Fill out the contact form below to schedule an initial evaluation. You may also call us at 360-989-7347
More Resources on Speech Disorders & Treatment
From our Columbia Pediatric Therapy Staff