What are red flags for gross motor developmental milestones?
Have you ever wondered if your child might need or benefit from Physical Therapy?
8 signs your child might need Physical therapy
Extremely low tone including delayed head control: inability to lift head in prone or persistent head lag past 4 months of age
Unable to roll over from supine to prone by 5 months of age
Unable to sit unsupported by 7 months of age
Lack of prone mobility (crawling on belly or hands and knees) past 9-10 months of age (including exclusively bottom scooting)
Not yet pulling to stand and cruising by 12 months of age
Not yet taking unsupported steps by 15 months of age
Not yet walking independently over variety of surfaces by 18 months of age
By age two, should go up and down stairs with assistance, “early” run, begin to try to jump.
If you have any questions or want to talk with someone about these signs, please give us a call! 360-989-7347